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How To Interview For The Best Candidate

If we asked you to guess the top reasons people hate their job, what reasons come to mind?

The National Business Research Institute took a poll through Twitter and found that 33% of people blamed their job blues on annoying coworkers

So how can you avoid hiring one of the 15 most annoying coworkers, and select the best candidate for the position? 

We collected the articles below that share how to prepare for an interview, interview tips, and questions to ask when bringing on a new employee. 

These tips will help you as you assess the skills, experience, and cultural fit of your potential employees.  

How to interview for the best candidate. Image says Now Hiring. “hiring” by groundswell is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Recruiting and Hiring Top-Quality Employees

Follow these tips to ensure you’ll bring the best candidate into your workplace. Includes some pre-recruiting tips like deciding ahead of time if you will conduct any pre-employment testing or if a second interview will be required to see if the candidate would fit with the company culture. 

What Interviewers Wish They Could Tell Every Job Candidate 

A list of 9 tips interviewers wish they could tell all candidates. When interviewing candidates keep an eye out for the ones who check off these boxes.

Job Interview Tips for Employers: How to Interview Potential Employees 

Includes everything from resume screening tips, holding a recruiting planning meeting, lists of sample interview questions (as well as those illegal questions you want to avoid), and how to follow up after the interview. Very comprehensive. 

We hope these articles help you hire the best employee for the job. Now go out there and get your conference room ready! 

Do you have any interview stories you want to share? Let us know in the comments below.

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