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The Benefits Of A Workplace Wellness Program: Getting Healthy

Chronic diseases are a serious concern for employees. Issues like hypertension, depression, and other maladies can lead to employees needing sick days to recover or being less productive while at work.

We’ve already discussed how proper health education can help your employees. Here are some ways that a workplace wellness program can get your employees started on healthy habits.

Image of an employee with a healthy lunch. Workplace wellness programs can help start healthy workplace habits.

Working Out at the Office

According to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly a quarter of workers are considered obese. Instituting healthy practices at work can help your employees developing good habits such as a regular workout routine and a healthy diet.

While some people push off plans to go to the gym after work, on-site fitness programs can provide employees with the means to get into an exercise routine. By having a convenient location and available time for exercise, workers are incentivized to finally commit to working out.

Stopping Unhealthy Habits

A workplace wellness program is about more than just exercise and healthy eating. One component of a good program involves providing help for people looking to break habits like smoking. Quitting something addictive can take some support, and a workplace wellness program can provide some assistance for employees looking to kick certain habits to the curb.

Another bad habit is eating junk food at work. If your company has a vending machine, swapping out healthier options can allow workers to snack without as many consequences. Healthy food at lunch-and-learns can also provide some education along with a side of nutrition.

Wellness Programs for Healthy Workers

GMS has experts that can help you institute a workplace wellness program to help your employees improve their health. Contact us today to start the process today.

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